The golden section in architecture

The golden section in architecture

From time immemorial the golden section has significantly marked the canons of beauty and harmony of art, especially in architecture and it is that this proportion is very pleasing to the eye of any human being.

This practice could be said to be the point of union between mathematics, nature, art, and the human being. It was recognized in nature, since then man has tried to apply it to his creations to achieve the best possible harmony and proportion.

Although today it is not the main element in architecture, the golden ratio plays an interesting role in it, as it is scientifically proven that the human brain prefers this type of geometry over others without established proportions.

Golden ratio

Architecture with golden ratio

Great example that has been present for a long time in our history, is the application of this proportion to many of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, including The Great Pyramid of Cheops, is also present in The Parthenon of Athens, Notre Dame Cathedral and even the Eiffel Tower contain golden proportions throughout its development.

Influential artists

We cannot end this blog without mentioning Antonio Gaudí and his great masterpiece La Sagrada Família, which began in the 19th century and is finally close to being completed today. In this majestic architectural work, which is the highest expression of European modernism and the application of the proportion of gold or gold, we can find in any element this harmonious proportion. From the accentuation of the verticality of its elements to some of the stairs of the interior, they are volumetric forms that the author introduced in his most representative work.

Finally, we must emphasize the great importance of nature in the golden section, present in everything around us, such as the human body, sea snails, sunflowers and many other natural elements, and that is where it is born. and this powerful tool that was successfully implemented in the architecture and will continue to be implemented for much longer is arbitrarily expressed.

The golden section in architecture

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