Project aimed at reducing the solar impact of housing - Creu de Palau, Girona.

Work located in the upper area of Girona, Creu de Palau.

We have been working on this project with the aim of reducing the direct solar impact against the glazed part of the home.

It is a wooden structure made of slats of the same material and oriented at exactly 45 degrees that allow outside light to pass through and attenuate the heat. As for the color, as we can see in the pictures we have adjusted it to the existing one in the same home creating a uniformity.
The set is adapted with the application of a camera glass that makes the set waterproofing of the same color already existing in the home.

Before positioning the structure on the house, it has been previously built in our workshop where we have shaped it according to the planned design, indications and customer preferences.

The whole of this project has managed to give a more welcoming and attractive look inside the home and will serve to take advantage of the exteriors and surroundings of the house as a multipurpose terrace.

Stay tuned, because we will soon present the final result of this project.

We are very happy and proud of our work and of being able to make the dreams of each and every one of our clients come true. Because your happiness is ours.

And you, if you already have a dream. When do we make it a reality?

Do not hesitate to contact us to carry out this type of project.

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