Wood treatments: Advantages, prevention and maintenance of wood
Wood treatments: Advantages, prevention and maintenance of wood
There are several treatments for wood that provide advantages in the prevention and maintenance of it. It is important to consider several factors unknown to many users that can be decisive when choosing wood as construction material for certain projects. Fire, swallowing caused by external agents such as termites and fungi, as well as the maintenance of wooden structures, especially exterior ones, are some of the main items to take into account.
In Pallars Fustes, we are already three generations of experience in constructions and projects with wood, we have already contemplated this series of possible problems. Although many users may not know these solutions, the reality is that these factors are already solved today, which makes wood a safe and lasting option for all types of constructions.
Know the most current wood treatments, their advantages and advances, the prevention of wear and tear and the different treatments for the maintenance of wood.
Wood and fire
![Tratamientos para maderas y el fuego](https://pallarsfustes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/apartat_nou_web_fusta-02.png)
Benefits of wood vs fire
Although it may seem contradictory, wooden constructions have some unique advantages when it comes to resisting fire. Compared to other construction materials, such as steel, which bends when it reaches a certain temperature, or concrete, which can explode due to the dilation of iron inside, wood has greater resistance to fire for longer, due to its low coefficient of thermal conductivity and its ability to carbonize on the surface, which protects the interior of the material. This protective layer causes the fire not to penetrate into the beam and causes the wood to remain standing for longer compared to other materials.
Fire prevention
Many domestic fires are produced due to a poor design of smoke outlets or chimneys. This can be avoided with a good ceramic coating through the wooden deck, double tubes with thermal insulation and lightened cement fillings. Thanks to the previous study of the structures and this coating, we find that there is no possibility that the fire of a fireplace comes into contact with our wooden roof. In Pallars Fustes we oversize the wooden beams with the condition that they resist more time exposed to fire. It is true that wood is a material that, with a live flame, burns, but once oversized, correctly calculated and accompanied by a good design, has no inconvenience when it comes to construction. That is, it brings more advantages and safety exposed to fire compared to other materials.
Wood rotting agents: parasites, fungi, termites...
![Ejemplo de madera y agentes de pudrimiento](https://pallarsfustes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/captura-de-pantalla-2023-07-12-a-las-11.56.20.png)
There are treatments and prevention measures for wood
Although it is true that wood is vulnerable to the attack of rotting agents, it should be noted that this occurs with specific and specific conditions. At present there are several treatments and prevention measures that can be used to protect the wood and extend its useful life. These include the use of rot-resistant woods, the application of wood preservatives and the control of moisture in the environment where the wood is located.
Why does rot appear in the wood?
The rotting agents appear in the wood when it has a humidity level higher than 18%. This is a high figure that can only be achieved in very humid places where the wooden beam is fully covered and with incorrect or non-existent ventilation. That is why we pay special attention to the design, since this is essential for the wood to have correct ventilation, thus avoiding the absorption of moisture. In Pallars Fustes we work with woods that contain 12% moisture in their composition, taking into account that it is not possible for any rotting element to live in a wood that contains 12% to 18% moisture, we avoid from the beginning that wear and tear of this type can occur in our constructions. There are also several specific chemical treatments that impregnate the interior of the wood, in this way, the elements that could damage the wood, such as termites or fungi, cannot make life.
Maintenance of wooden structures outdoors
![Tratamientos de madera para exterior](https://pallarsfustes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/captura-de-pantalla-2023-07-12-a-las-12.15.45.png)
In Pallars Fustes we use...
In Pallars Fustes we are experts in all types of wood, therefore, we know its properties and select the perfect one for each project taking into account the final use that will be given. It is usually believed that the outer wooden structures are not resistant and require constant maintenance, but this is not the case. The key is to select the correct wood and follow the indications and care given by professionals, just as it would be done with a construction of another material. For outdoor constructions it is recommended to use all that would be tropical woods, since these, have more durability outdoors than other types of wood. Tropical woods can be buried in the ground without noticeable rot, that is, neither the beam nor the wooden structure are affected. In Pallars Fustes we make a careful choice of the woods used for exterior constructions, highlighting the proximity woods such as the Douglas fir, or others such as bamboo, IPE, or Iroc.
We work with new generation products
In any case, we treat wood with first generation color maintenance products, where we ensure the perfect condition and total maintenance of long-term materials, specifically from 4 to 6 years, depending on the exposure to the sun that suffers and also other factors determined by the place where the installation is located. Therefore, in the same way that a façade must be painted every certain time, the same wood, every 4 or 6 years, must be repainted. In Pallars Fustes we work with new generation products and treatments, in this way we manage to maintain the color and properties of the wood outdoors for a long time.