The importance of environmental education

The importance of environmental education

The importance of environmental education is fundamental today, including the environment. Environmental Education imparts knowledge about the current situation and future perspectives of nature, in addition to teaching people to explore all the problems related to the environment and to participate in smart ways to preserve it.

Several schools have taken the initiative to provide practical and theoretical knowledge on the impact of human activities on nature. They take students out of the four walls of a classroom and have them do activities like gardening, watering plants, meditating in community parks, etc. Education is the only way to get the best minds to work productively.

Today, the natural world is threatened. Different species of flora and fauna are on the brink of extinction, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, everything is polluted or has pollutants. By including environmental studies as a subject in schools, as well as in higher education, future generations can become aware and encouraged to find innovative solutions and methods in order to protect the environment.

Then we leave you with 5 reasons why there is a need for environmental education to be integrated into learning.


To take any step towards the protection of our environment, it is necessary to raise awareness and this can only come from the study of issues related to our ecosystems.

What are the problems facing the world today? What are the components that make up the universe?

What are the different species of plants and animals? How can we ensure their long-term survival?

What is sustainability and how can it be achieved? Why do we have to avoid plastics? Why is it advisable to recycle our waste?

All these questions will only be answered only if we learn about the environment and apply that knowledge in a practical way.


One of the ways to ensure that the needs of future generations are met by the earth’s resources would be to sustainably consume these resources today. With today’s high rate of consumption, natural resources will be depleted too quickly for future generations to survive. Our irresponsible use of these resources will lead future generations to bear the consequences of this exploitation. Environmental education helps people understand the repercussions caused by overexploitation and act accordingly.

Health benefits

Both physical and mental health are affected by depletion of the environment. Instead, they can flourish if we spend more time in nature.

One of the best benefits of this type of education is that it takes place outside the confines of the classroom. Students, who otherwise would not have spent this time outdoors, experience the serenity and healing powers of nature. In fact, treatment by natural means is called Eco-therapy. It helps patients recover from depression, heals heart ailments, maintains blood pressure, helps improve sleep, improves eyesight, etc. It is no surprise that a person who stays closer to nature is likely to stay healthier.

Places with natural surroundings are the best for artists to create their masterpieces. Poetry, painting, sculpture, etc. They are all products of the imagination, inspired by nature. A quote from the cult movie Dead Poets Society reads: “Medicine, law, engineering, these are noble activities, necessary to sustain life, but poetry, romance, love, beauty, these are the reasons why. that we stay alive ”.

Increase awareness of environmental threats

You can encourage the current generation to switch to better and safer options. One would better understand rescue drills for natural disasters, how to best use your vegetables (they can do what no medicine can do), etc. Environmental education is a topic that warns you against everything that can go wrong.

Renewable energy sources

Environmental education makes people understand the importance of renewable energy. Non-renewable energy sources such as gasoline, diesel, among others, are the main sources of pollution in the world. The use of renewable sources such as solar energy, wind energy, etc. is encouraged. Environmental education is imperative in our fight against global warming.

At Pallars fustes we want you to be aware of the importance of environmental education!

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