Rehabilitation of a wooden house in Melianta

Rehabilitation of a wooden house, maintenance of facades and additional improvements.

In this work, our company was urgently contracted for the entry of water points at various points of facade and roof. We conducted the relevant study, adjusting the budget for affordable items on the property and found different solutions to carry out the rehabilitation of the wooden house. As a result, it was decided to carry out actions for the maintenance of the facades, improvements in the use and functionality of the spaces of the house and improvement of the thermal insulation. In order to prevent further damage to the structure of the house in the future.

It has been an “ipso facto” job, as the structural condition of the house itself was damaged. Once the new solutions have been defined:

  • New materials with additional treatment for the outside
  • High quality maintenance products for high durability
  • Thermal insulation added with attached layer
  • Various solutions to suppress moisture

We started and the whole set was done in order, coordinating the collection of materials, the placement of new materials, the appropriate finishing of each and finally the finish of the wood restored as new.

We are happy with the work done because we have been able to give homeowners hope for a new life in their home with the refurbishment of the wooden house. We have restored the main structure and gained in thermal insulation. The property has been delighted to see that with good maintenance and proper materials, the wood returns to its original state.

Glad to be able to work for this couple, who have ended up being friends. We hope you can enjoy the wooden house for another 25 years!

Do not hesitate to contact us to carry out these types of projects

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