Detached house with three laminated oak roofs

In this case, we were fortunate to be able to work with a project where we have hardwood wood as the protagonist.

The owner has chosen laminated oak as the main wood in the roof structures. A type of wood with great resistance, prestige and a very differentiating aesthetic.

This project stands out for its set of extremely high detail, the great demand it entails and the final result that exceeds the imagination.

The team at Pallars Fustes, we have studied the whole structural set, we have designed all the joints and we have adapted this type of wood to the project itself.

While incorporating the vision of the architecture, a controlled execution by the surveyor, an exquisite taste for wood by the property and us contributing the professionalism of working with wood, we have achieved roofs for this house, completely exceptional.

Happy to work with projects as differentiating as this one.

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