Extension Suite with 180º sea views, on the Costa Brava

Extension Suite with 180º sea views, on the Costa Brava

New refurbishment of this detached house on the Costa Brava. This is an extension of the suite room, with wonderful sea views. In this case it has been an extension based on a self-supporting structure with wood, with a high thermal capacity facing the ceiling, taking into account a high energy efficiency.

The solution of vertical enclosures has been studied together with a unique and little used glass product due to its technical difficulty and high cost. This product allows us a solar reflection of 70%, giving the room absolute brightness and high thermal comfort.

In addition, we were able to fully integrate the aluminum profiles into the same wood. The result has been a room with 180º vision, clear, without any metallic elements, giving a wood synergy, completely natural glass. This glass-wood combination allows us to achieve a differentiating room, with a completely modern and cozy look in its interior.
In conclusion, we present a completely innovative, elegant and current result using technology and raw materials at the service of ecology, sustainability and comfort. Once again we have been able to make the dreams of these customers come true. Do you have one too?

Do not hesitate to contact us to carry out this type of project.

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