Cultural center of wine and gastronomy

We are presently part of the process of realizing a project that is very exciting. We are working on the construction of the cultural center of the vii and the gastronomy of Calonge.

In this new project, we worked on the rehabilitation of the equipment of an old school in Calonge, with a restoration and expansion of the space with a mixed structure of whip, metal and metal.

Keep in mind the necessities of the project and have large section pillars with different sizes that arrive at a height of 1 meter, all of them have the guarantee and the treatment according to CE regulations fully prepared to have a long useful life exposed to the elements.

It is a work of great technical complexity, due to the accesses and differences in areas. In addition to the union between the structures of formigó, whip and metal. For this reason, we worked together with a highly specialized technical team in construction so it was possible to unite the three materials in a symbiosis.

As a result, this is a work with a three-storey structure, mainly made of whip, finished with a flat roof and two inclinations.

We are here to inform you about the evolution and progress of this unique project.

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